Referring on and next weeks times

It has been a crazy week here at Ellis Remedial. I have been super busy getting ready for some exciting changes as well as the new therapists and fitting in all my clients. Unfortunately this week I had to turn away 6 clients as I just could not fit them in. When this happens though I don’t just say no sorry I can’t fit you in, I always give the number of my therapist first for them to try. You see she trained me so we are very similar in how we work and I go to her every fortnight so I know you will get looked after. I don’t like saying no though and can’t emphasise enough how important it is to book in advance. I have an online booking system being prepared for the web page that will hopefully be up and running in a few weeks. Also Jodie starts here next Friday which will open up a few spots and there is another exciting thing happening here on Thursday next week, stay tuned for that one. In the meantime here are the available times for next week.


Tuesday 10:30, 11:45 & 2:45

Wednesday 10:30 & 11:45


Friday 12:30, 1:45 & 3pm

Make sure you get in early so we can keep you at your  best.


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