Stats, everybody loves stats. I keep a good record of client intake and business growth since we first opened and the numbers I just crunched are very pleasing indeed. Over the past 4 months we are averaging seeing an extra 30 people per month than the previous 4 years. Obviously this has been made possible by securing Jodie as my 2nd therapist and having the second room. If things keep increasing at this rate I may have to bite the bullet and build another room! For the time being I will be looking for another therapist to help me out towards the end of the year and into the future when Jodie is off racing. If any of you are trained and hold your diploma in massage therapy or you know someone who may be interested please tell them to contact me for a chat.
This week I am almost full. A cancellation on Thursday means I can fit someone in tomorrow @ 10:30.
Jodie has the following free but be quick as they will fill fast.
Wed 2:45
Friday 12:15, 1:30 & 2:45.