Warm towels make everyone happy.

How nice is it when you walk into a warm room out of the cold and get covered in warm towels? Here at Ellis Remedial the towels are continually rotated during your massage from the heater to your body making sure you never feel cold. Doesn’t that sound amazing? What are you waiting for? Come on in and experience the simple pure bliss of a warm towel.

This week we have the following available. Next week I am away until Thursday but Jodie can cover me if needed so rest assured if you need treatment one of us will look after you.

This week we have


Tuesday 11:45 or 2:45

Wednesday 9:15, 10:30 & 11:45

Friday 9:15 & 10:30


Friday 1:30, 2:45, 4pm & 5:15

Do yourself a favour, let your muscles relax and leave winter behind outside. Call to book your spot.


Are you organised?

This week is nearly full for me. I have two spots available Thursday @10:30 and friday @ 10:30. Jodie has Friday afternoon ready to be filled. Her appointment times are 12:30, 1:45, 3pm & 4:15 and if you ask nicely she may do a 5:30 to cater to those who don’t get to knock off early on a Friday. Don’t wait, call, message, text, whatever you have to do to get one of these spots do it. Don’t miss out.


Exciting developments and this weeks availability.

Last week work had started on converting the space out the back into a 2nd treatment room. The builder will be finished tomorrow and I will hopefully get it all looking pretty and ready to be used in the next week or 2. The online booking system will also be here very soon so you can book a massage at 10 O’clock at night if you desire. More info about that once I know more.

Jodie started with us last week and the feedback from clients was fantastic. I might have to ask for that interview massage after all!

This week we have the following free.


Tuesday 5:15

Wed 10:30

Friday 10:30


Friday 12:30, 1:45, 3pm & 4:15

Please contact me if you would like any of the above times. Massage makes everything better.


Referring on and next weeks times

It has been a crazy week here at Ellis Remedial. I have been super busy getting ready for some exciting changes as well as the new therapists and fitting in all my clients. Unfortunately this week I had to turn away 6 clients as I just could not fit them in. When this happens though I don’t just say no sorry I can’t fit you in, I always give the number of my therapist first for them to try. You see she trained me so we are very similar in how we work and I go to her every fortnight so I know you will get looked after. I don’t like saying no though and can’t emphasise enough how important it is to book in advance. I have an online booking system being prepared for the web page that will hopefully be up and running in a few weeks. Also Jodie starts here next Friday which will open up a few spots and there is another exciting thing happening here on Thursday next week, stay tuned for that one. In the meantime here are the available times for next week.


Tuesday 10:30, 11:45 & 2:45

Wednesday 10:30 & 11:45


Friday 12:30, 1:45 & 3pm

Make sure you get in early so we can keep you at your  best.


Meet Jodie and see this weeks availability.


As I mentioned last week, as of next Friday we welcome Jodie to the Ellis Remedial team. This is what she has to say about her background and massage therapy.

Previously living in Brisbane, I have been a remedial massage therapist for more than 10 years and worked with a wide range of people with occupational conditions and sports injuries. From the swimmer contending for an Olympic medal to the recreational runner hoping to complete their first marathon – I enjoy assisting people to reach their goals by maintaining their physical health. As a mountain biker and adventure racer I have a particular interest in cycling and running injury treatment. Recently moved to Hobart I’m looking forward to getting involved with the amazing outdoor scene here!

As you can see Jodie comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience. I’m very excited to welcome her on board and working with her to get you all back to your best.

This week is pretty full and I only have the following free. Please be quick if you want any of these times and call me.

Tuesday 10:30 & 2:30

Friday 10:30

That is all I can squeeze in this week so be quick.



Ellis Remedial Therapies


I have some exciting news for you. As I have mentioned before, since our move to Albert Road back in March the business has been getting busier and busier and I only have one set of hands. With that I am happy to announce that we have a new therapist that will be joining me from Friday 16th of June. What a great time to start, right in the middle of the year. Jodie Willett has moved to Tasmania with an abundance of skill and knowledge after running her own practice in QLD. She is a semi professional Mountain bike rider competing both in Australia and overseas and has worked with sports teams including the Brisbane Lions. I will post a larger spill when I receive a bio from her but for now get excited we are growing! Online bookings will also be available soon through the web site and hopefully our second treatment room will be ready in a few weeks.

Thanks for your ongoing support.


Next weeks availability

The best time of the day for me is 11:30 every 2nd Friday when I say farewell to my last client of the week and head on off to my fortnightly massage. By the time that fortnight comes around I am in desperate need. I have ramped up my training and tend to be sore all the time. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but I do love my massage!

The weekend is here and hopefully you all have some exciting things to do. It makes us think about the week to come and the week to come for me looks very busy. I have a few spots left but make sure you book in early or you may miss out.

Monday 11:15 & 12:30

Tuesday Full

Wednesday 9:15, 10:30 & 4pm

Thursday 10:30

Friday Full

6 spots available, be quick and have a fantastic weekend.

Nik 🙂


The countdown is on and we are now only 21 clients away from hitting the 500 mark. I better get my thinking cap on and decide what little treat I will give the 500th new client. I say this a lot but I mean it, thank you to each and every one of you that refers people my way. Without you guys telling your friends and spreading the word, I would have to fork out for crazy expensive advertising campaigns that may or may not produce new clients. Word of mouth is by far the strongest form of advertising a business can have. Somebody once told me as a massage therapist to move muscle and do it well. That is what we do here at Ellis Remedial. You are coming in to get a massage and that is what you will receive. I will not crunch your bones or try to be something I’m not. I will hopefully see you walk out of here feeling better than you did when you walked in. Not just physically but mentally as well. Without your continued support I could not turn up every day and continue to do what I love, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Why do you get massage?

Help me out here, I am interested in the reasons people actually get massage. Do you get regular massage because it makes you feel good and it keeps you feeling human? Do you only get massage when you are sore from either an injury or working out? Maybe you get a gift voucher or you have an event coming up and only ever get one before and after races? Do you go for the music? (no dolphins and waterfalls in my rooms). Is it the warm towels and smells that entice you in? Or do you go just to have an hour where you can vent to your therapist or go to sleep? Please drop a comment below and let me know, I’d be super interested to hear what you all have to say.

Have a great weekend.

Nik 🙂

Training Happy.

After doing my first one on one boxing session with Luke Jackson last week in well over a year, the muscular soreness that followed would have a profound effect. Instead on complaining about it I embraced it. It was the kick start I needed to feel that pain and want to up the ante on my training to feel even more of it. You see the most important part of any exercise is to enjoy it. There is no use doing something you don’t enjoy, it’s a bit like going to work every day to a job you hate, it’s not very productive. Yesterday I came up with this little ripper and will repeat today only with a changed sequence. It was tough but it was awesome. I wasn’t sure I would get through it without stopping but I did and it was fun!

36 minutes in total 3 rounds

round 1 x3  Frog Jumps


Kettle Bell swings

Sled push + 15kg

1 minute each exercise with 30 seconds in between each round. In that 30 seconds we did non stop shuttle runs. That continued throughout the whole workout

Round 2 x2 Battle rope

Wall Balls

Side Throws

Wall Sit

Round 3 x1 Crunches



Caterpillar Push Ups

It was an intense non stop cardio workout and I would say we managed to use every muscle in our body. The most important thing though was that it was fun! Today’s mix was the same exercises but two 1 minute efforts on each with the run still in the middle. I think that was possibly harder than yesterday, I nearly spewed! But I got it done. Don’t be afraid to push yourself out of the comfort zone. Do a workout that has no breaks but just adjust the amount of time. Start small and get bigger as you get fitter and your confidence improves. For those of you who have access to all the equipment used above give this a whirl. As Luke says pain is just weakness leaving your body!