Being a massage therapist at an International tournament.

Well here we are, It’s Friday already, one day away from the finals and the end of my first ever International event working for the WTA. What a week it has been. I turned up last Friday a little nervous about what lay ahead. Stepping into the unknown working with people I don’t know and on athletes that I have only previously seen on T.V. My nerves were instantly settled once I stepped into the treatment area to meet the Physios and directed to my treatment room. What an amazing bunch of people to work alongside. Relaxed, funny and so helpful. It wasn’t long before the players started rolling through the doors for their massages and it was game on. I was smashed. For 4 whole days it was like a never ending train of athletes on and off the table. By day 2 I was starting to feel the effects of not only working back to back solid but also my lack of massage for myself that is well overdue. Day 2 ended around 7:30pm and I was well and truly exhausted. Note writing was never going to get done on the same day and that started to become a mounting concern for me. I was assured we could catch up, but the way things were going I never thought I would see the day. As I left the centre on day 2 and headed towards home I realised my day was not over. Coming past the Botanical gardens and there in front of me was a motorbike laying on it’s side. The rider was standing on the pavement holding his shoulder and fellow onlookers were unsure of what to do. After a bit of fist aid and a hand over to ambulance services I was finally on my way home. Day 3 and 4 was much the same as the first 2 days although by this stage faces started to become familiar and although I still had trouble pronouncing names, I was beginning to understand the game of tennis at a deeper level. One thing I have definitely learnt is that these girl are machines and the basic ruled of sports massage kind of go out the window. I have never worked so deep on any athlete before and I swear you cold roll over these girl with a steam roller and they would be fine! Wednesday was change over day with Jodie, my saviour! I finally got to sleep in for the first time in weeks. I got up and had a ride on the spin bike, I started to feel human again. My body however was not as excited as I was. I was hurting all over and the slight burning through my forearm extensors was reminding me of what I had put them through over the past 4 days. I headed back to the tennis that day to actually watch some games but unfortunately was eluded by the sun and my attempt at bronzing up a tan had failed me. Thursday I returned to the event to work. Finally the onslaught had eased and I actually got some down time to catch up on notes (that I had managed to stuff up and needed to re do!). It was a good day to have a bit of a chat to players still here in the tournament and to have a good laugh with the Physios and medical team. The down side to working here is that you have to wait around for an hour after each match so bed time last night was well after midnight by the time I drove home,  fed the cat, checked emails for todays order of play and finally turned off the light. Quarter finals today means only 4 matches. My sheet is clean at the moment so I have time to chill and update you all on what’s been happening. Yesterday I planted the seed to hopefully get a gig at the Aus open in coming years, so we will see how that all pans out. One thing I have learnt this week is that I need to really make time for me this year to get my fitness back on track and be as healthy as I can be so I can continue to work at events like this and still look after all my wonderful clients back at the clinic. I will be back on board next week but so far I am fully booked. I then take a week off for some RnR without the crazies of Christmas/NYE etc. I will then return on Tuesday Jan 30th and will be back on board until mid year. Jodie and Jimmy are also available and we are hoping to get Jimmy onto the online booking system in the next week or two. For now I bid you farewell from the Hobart International. Be good, be safe and stay at your best.


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