Christmas and extended hours.

Yes it’s that time of the year again where we must think about Christmas and when we are going to be open. The good news is that we will be open right up until the 22nd of December. Nikki will be taking the week leading up to Christmas off and the week between Christmas and the new year. Jimmy will be covering the week leading up to Christmas and Jodie will be working her normal Thursday and Friday afternoon as well as the Monday. The week between Christmas and New Year will only see Jodie working the afternoons on the Thursday 28th and Friday 29th.

I am excited to announce that Jimmy will be returning to us in a few weeks which is great news. Also Jodie has decided to do a few more shifts between now and the end of the year which will make it easier for you guys to get in. They are as follows,

Sat 11/11 8am-1pm Get excited, we don’t usually open of a Saturday so if you want a massage on this day I suggest you book in fast.

Monday 4/12 8am-6pm

Monday 11/12 12pm-6pm

Monday 18/12 12pm-6pm

Don’t forget we also sell gift voucher which are always well received by those getting them for Christmas. They are also a great option for hard working staff who wouldn’t necessarily treat themselves to a massage during the year. Be the best boss ever!



Appointments, Jodie is back!

I just wanted to post this to let you all know what we have coming up. Jodie is almost healed after her last race and is pretty impressed that she is actually able to wear a t-shirt in Hobart after all. The sun does come out sometimes and when it does we all know how important it is to slip slop slap in out Tassie sun. Thankfully she is returning to work this Thursday and still has a couple of appointments available. If you are looking to book an appointment online and nothing works for you please don’t hesitate to call, we may be able to still fit you in somewhere. Also I have just noticed that our calendars are not syncing to the booking system so they are showing Jodie as booked out on her Thursdays. This is not the case and I have my tech man onto it. So again, if you are looking to book in and can’t find a spot online, please call. Jodie has the following times available this week,

Thurs 1/2hr slot @ 4:30

Fri 12:30, 1:45 & 3pm she could also do a 1/2hr @ 4:15

I am pretty full for the next few weeks and don’t have an appointment available until the 3rd of November. This doesn’t mean there wont be cancellations so if you need to see me let me know and I will put you on the cancellation list.

This Friday will be my last Friday at Sandy Bay meaning I will have 3 more spots available every 2nd Friday from the 3rd of November also. This should help get everyone through the door.

That is about all for now, enjoy the sunshine,


Focus on the positives

In a world where body image is shoved in our faces on a daily basis, how do we overcome negative body image? The magazines will have you believing that to wear a bikini over summer you must have a ‘beach bod’. What is a beach bod? Well if I’m at the beach and I’m a body then I have a beach bod! Last summer I threw all my insecurities out the window and actually purchased a bikini and yep I wore it all summer. Did i feel as though people were judging me when I was out swimming? Nope, everyone was just as interested in cooling off as I was, no one cared what I looked like. Over the years there has been so much focus on women and their figures but it is increasingly evident that men are now under just as much pressure to have the perfect muscle bod. I think one of the saddest results of this is the death of a 15 yo boy trying to bench press 95kg unassisted at a gym a couple of weeks ago. For what? A life lost for the gain of what? Unfortunately the only gain he made was a lifetime of heartache for his family and an innocent life lost.

Unfortunately this isn’t going to change. The tabloids will keep pushing the perfect figure, the fitness industry will keep pushing the 12 week programs over complete year round lifestyle change. What I will change though is my mindset. Over the past few months it has been very hectic at work and it hasn’t allowed me the time I would like to train. I am probably carrying about 4kg extra than I was this time last year. I feel it that’s for sure, but instead of looking in the mirror every morning with negative thoughts, I think about what my body CAN do. On Saturday and Sunday this week I teamed up with Em to pump out some P2P training up at the Domain. There are so many tracks up there that you start pumping out the kms without really noticing. We did 12.5km on Sat and followed it up with 12km including hill reps on Sunday. Regardless of how I feel about the look of my body, the physical strength of my body is what I love. I love that I can back up 2 days in a row and run those trails. It’s not super fast that’s for sure but while I run and it hurts I remind myself that I have a strong body and strong mind. It gets me to the finish line, wherever we decide that is. I would love it if we could walk past magazine racks and see something on the cover other than men and women’s ‘perfect’ bodies, or the mag thinking it’s ok to make money out of peoples eating disorders that they help create! Unfortunately the reality is that people still buy this rubbish therefor, they will continue to print it.

Lets go beyond the rubbish as human beings and forget about the magazines and the media and the crappy people in this world who think it’s ok to bully people for being a certain size or for looking a certain way. Every body is different, physically and mentally. Focus on what your body CAN do not what it can’t, once you change your mindset happiness will always follow. I love bodies, all bodies are awesome. As a massage therapist I always hear apologies from women about their bodies. Really? I am not here to judge you, I am here to help you. Anyone who has been putting off getting a massage because they are worried about their bodies, please give your therapist a call and get yourself some TLC. We are all the same, we see a body and we help it heal, nothing more, nothing less.

Keep on being awesome and don’t forget to move, your internal body will thank you for it.


Focus on the positives

In a world where body image is shoved in our faces on a daily basis, how do we overcome negative body image? The magazines will have you believing that to wear a bikini over summer you must have a ‘beach bod’. What is a beach bod? Well if I’m at the beach and I’m a body then I have a beach bod! Last summer I threw all my insecurities out the window and actually purchased a bikini and yep I wore it all summer. Did i feel as though people were judging me when I was out swimming? Nope, everyone was just as interested in cooling off as I was, no one cared what I looked like. Over the years there has been so much focus on women and their figures but it is increasingly evident that men are now under just as much pressure to have the perfect muscle bod. I think one of the saddest results of this is the death of a 15 yo boy trying to bench press 95kg unassisted at a gym a couple of weeks ago. For what? A life lost for the gain of what? Unfortunately the only gain he made was a lifetime of heartache for his family and an innocent life lost.

Unfortunately this isn’t going to change. The tabloids will keep pushing the perfect figure, the fitness industry will keep pushing the 12 week programs over complete year round lifestyle change. What I will change though is my mindset. Over the past few months it has been very hectic at work and it hasn’t allowed me the time I would like to train. I am probably carrying about 4kg extra than I was this time last year. I feel it that’s for sure, but instead of looking in the mirror every morning with negative thoughts, I think about what my body CAN do. On Saturday and Sunday this week I teamed up with Em to pump out some P2P training up at the Domain. There are so many tracks up there that you start pumping out the kms without really noticing. We did 12.5km on Sat and followed it up with 12km including hill reps on Sunday. Regardless of how I feel about the look of my body, the physical strength of my body is what I love. I love that I can back up 2 days in a row and run those trails. It’s not super fast that’s for sure but while I run and it hurts I remind myself that I have a strong body and strong mind. It gets me to the finish line, wherever we decide that is. I would love it if we could walk past magazine racks and see something on the cover other than men and women’s ‘perfect’ bodies, or the mag thinking it’s ok to make money out of peoples eating disorders that they help create! Unfortunately the reality is that people still buy this rubbish therefor, they will continue to print it.

Lets go beyond the rubbish as human beings and forget about the magazines and the media and the crappy people in this world who think it’s ok to bully people for being a certain size or for looking a certain way. Every body is different, physically and mentally. Focus on what your body CAN do not what it can’t, once you change your mindset happiness will always follow. I love bodies, all bodies are awesome. As a massage therapist I always hear apologies from women about their bodies. Really? I am not here to judge you, I am here to help you. Anyone who has been putting off getting a massage because they are worried about their bodies, please give your therapist a call and get yourself some TLC. We are all the same, we see a body and we help it heal, nothing more, nothing less.

Keep on being awesome and don’t forget to move, your internal body will thank you for it.


Bad news

Last week Jimmy started with us here at ERT. Unfortunately he had a rock climbing accident and has been told today that he will be sidelined for possibly 3 months! Not what we wanted to hear, we just found our 3rd team member and some doctor can’t perform a miracle. Really feel for Jimmy right now, I reckon I would be pretty devo if I was sidelined for that long, I think I would go insane. So that’s the bad news. If you have an appointment booked with Jimmy in the coming weeks I will be in contact to make other arrangements, hopefully just a swap of therapists. Otherwise we will re schedule you. Wishing him a speedy recovery. The good news is that soon we will have Jodie back on a more regular basis after the Freycinet challenge to help cover the demand.

We will eventually have everyone on board and have you running out the door feeling a million dollars. In the meantime please book ahead with myself and Jodie to ensure you get in when requested. As of the 19th of October, Jodie will be changing her days from Wed and Fri to Thurs and Fri.
