Pre booking and time availablility

This week I had to turn away at least 6 clients due to being full. I squeezed in as many as I could but I just ran out of space. It’s always that little bit  harder when I have to turn 5 days into 4. I just wanted to say again how important it is to book in advance for your massage. By all means don’t be put off and not call on the day as I may have had a cancellation and you may get lucky but if you have an idea of the week ahead and you are able, please book it in to ensure you can get in and I can get you back to your best. I have a few openings next week, they are as follows.

Tues 9:15 2:45 & 4pm

Wed 9:15, 10:30 & 11:45

Thurs 10:30

Friday 9:15

Have a fantastic weekend, I will be building chicken pens, bok bok.


Busy is good but are you organized?

Well I must admit I was a little apprehensive about moving the business out of it’s original home and into Albert Road but after 6 weeks here I will be the first to admit that it was a really good move. Business is booming which is great for me but that means that you guys need to make sure you book your appointments in advance to make sure you don’t miss out. If the business keeps growing at the rate it is then I will need to put on a new therapist very soon. That will make it a little easier to get in and I promise to find someone who works similar to me so we all win. In the meantime I am managing to see you all. This is just a friendly reminder to stay on top of your diary and book your appointments early. I am down to 4 spaces next week…

Wed 10:30

Thurs 2:30

Fri 9:15 & 10:30

If these times don’t work for you call me and we will try and find something that does.

Tomorrow is Friyay woo! Have a great weekend.


The Easter Bunny is better than Santa!

I have decided in all my wisdom that the Easter Bunny is by far better than Santa because he brings (in the words of my 2 year old niece) clocklate!!! Oh and don’t we all love clocklate? Even when I’m trying to be super super good, my big fat weakness is that brown milky goodness. But, now Easter is over I need to get back on the wagon and get off the sugar again…boring! Ha, but I feel much better for it. How much clocklate did you eat over the weekend?

This week I only have one spot available at 10:30am on Friday so if you want that spot get in quick. Next week I have the following

Wed 26th 10:30

Thurs 27th 10:30, 11:45 & 4pm

Fri 9:15, 10:30 & 11:45

Make sure you are looking after yourself and enjoy a massage as much as that Chocolate.
