Jackson back in ‘Action’

The problem with the people of Hobart is that we all leave purchasing tickets to events until the last minute and shows either get cancelled or events don’t go ahead due to poor ticket sales. That isn’t usually the case when Luke ‘Action’ Jackson sets foot in the ring though. Ticket sales are strong and fight night generates a really good crowd. However in my opinion it can always be better. I have to admit before I met the current Luke (not the Luke I went to school with) I always looked at boxing as a crazy sport where people just got into a ring and belted the crap out of each other. My opinion quickly changed when I learnt that the art of boxing is anything but. It is discipline, it is months and months of preparing before a fight. It is a lifetime of commitment, committing to training every single day no matter how shitty you might feel. It’s about giving up on the good things in life like partying with friends, eating that yummy but not so healthy food, enjoying a cold beer on a Friday night. All of that is non existent in the life of a boxer. Watching Luke in the ring is like watching perfection. His mental ability to just wait for the right time to attack, his movement, the lightness on his feet and not to mention his amazing physique. See boxing is just that, an art. Ok getting hit in the head during a fight isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world but the athleticism of these athletes amazes me. Their commitment to the sport they love is a total admiration. This year I have taken Luke on as a sponsor. I want to help keep him at his best. He’s a great guy, hes an amazing athlete and his story is just mind blowing. One day not too far into the future this man will be a world champion, that I have no doubt. My request to all of you, those who already enjoy the sport and those who are not really sure about the sport but want to support one of Hobart’s best athletes, get along to the next fight. On March 18 Luke will enter the ring once again in Hobart to take on Mohammed Kamburuta is his title defense. His current fight record is 14-0! Luke is still undefeated. Get along, get behind him and watch first hand our next world champ.

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