Getting back on the horse

There comes a time when you start to feel like there is just no time for anything in the day but work, sleep and family life. The constant running around to get things done on a daily basis is draining physically and mentally. So how do we stay on top of that? I have come to the realisation that I need to find more time for exercise and training. When I am on top of my exercise and eating well I feel a million bucks and the mental strains of day to day life don’t seem so extreme. The question is, how do we find that time for training when our lives are already so busy? The real answer is that some days you just can’t. Take yesterday for example. I had my morning clients, then I had to do a tip run to remove rubbish from the old business and stuff I had used for the new place. I then returned to the old place where I had to get the rest of my stuff out that was to go home and finish washing the floor so I could hand over keys. Next, a trip home to empty the car and collect the kids from school, return down the hill where Ali had returned from school camp and ran her in to pick up her car from the mechanics. By the time I returned back to work it was 3:45 with my 4pm client 15 minutes away. 2 clients for the afternoon then straight to my mums house to see my little brother for his 21st, where I stayed until 9pm. Could I have fitted in an hour of training into that day? The answer is no. However, days like this are bound to happen but we can’t let them get in the way of the big picture. So I couldn’t train yesterday, that’s ok, ill go and do a session today. I only have a small window but that window will see me pump out a high intensity 30 minute workout. I have been off the horese for quite some time and am noticing it in my body. I don’t have high energy levels, I’m frustrated with aches that I get from time to time but I am the only one who can fix that. Last Tuesday I did a fitness test with Em, it was just 9 different exercised testing where I was at. This gives me a start, now I can set a bench mark and work towards achieving it. Today I will train, tomorrow I don’t get time again but this weekend I will be hiking in some super tough terrain so I will make up for it then. I am back on the horse, are you?

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