
Over the past 4 years I have been very generous with donations for all sorts of events and charities. There hasn’t been many times I have said no but unfortunately that now has to change. As much as I love supporting local sporting events, clubs and fundraisers, I just don’t have the time anymore to give away for voucher redemption. I’m struggling enough to get my regular clients through the door and while it is always good to get my name out there with donations it it no longer viable from a business perspective. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have supported me along the way and given me the opportunity to get my business name out there through your organisations and I wish you all the very best into the future. While I can’t give vouchers any more, don’t hesitate to contact me if you do have something on, I may have some other form of product I may be able to pass your way.

Keep being awesome.


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