Ellis Remedial Therapies

Recharging the body

Don’t forget I am away this week exploring the East Coast and preparing my body for another massive year. If the start of the working year is anything to go by I am going to be working my arms off this year. I am answering my phone to take appointment bookings for my return. I hope you are all loving this awesome weather and taking some time out for yourselves to recharge as well. See you all in a week.


Don’t forget Friday!

Silly me forgot to put down the available times for Friday this week! I think I will open up 4 morning spots,

9:30, 10:45, 12pm and 1:15

If you are in need of Friday appointment before you tackle the weekend give me a call.


What a start! Closure information

Well well, what a start to the new year it has been! It has now been a week since I returned to work and in that first week I have seen 6 new clients. On top of that I have also seen many of my wonderful return clients whose faces I do miss when I am away. You see when you are a massage therapist, your clients become this little family that you make all for yourself. You look after them and nurture them and in return they give you bucket loads of energy and smiles. My job is wonderful! I am a little bit excited because in a few days time Ellis Remedial as you now know it will look completely different. The builders have started the face lift and the facade should be done by early next week. I am already loving the new colour and they only have the stops on the corners of the building. We will be going from a drab dirty yellow to a nice bright clean grey. Keep an eye out when you are driving by. On the last post I mentioned I would be away for the last week in Jan. This will be from Monday 23rd returning on Monday 30th. I am filling up next week but I still have some availability so make sure you get in before I go. Next week I have the following,

Monday 10:15

Tuesday 1:30, 3pm & 4:15

Wed 12pm, 1:30, 3pm

Thursday 9:15, 10:30, 11:45

Don’t forget, you snooze you lose 🙂


Welcome to 2017-I have returned.

How many of you have written the wrong year so far? I reckon it takes me about 2 months to remember we are into a new year and write the correct date first go! How did you all spend your Christmas? I hope it was as relaxing as mine. As you know I went away for 10 days to the heat of Northern Victoria and I must say the body is very thankful for it. I swam more in that 10 days than I have possible in the last 10 years! I returned home and enjoyed a day at the Taste with one too many beverages and then started to paint the inside of our home before Ali and Emma made me do stair reps with a hangover… not fun, but I got them out and for the last 2 days my legs have let me know about it. I will some day soon get back and see my therapist for a much needed massage but in the meantime I am here for you. I will be away for another week later in the month to celebrate my birthday but I will post the dates a bit later. For now I am looking forward to another year of looking after bodies and seeing your happy faces for some treatment and some laughs. The fridge is stocked with bottles of water ready to accompany you when you leave and my arms are ready to work. I am already full for the remainder of this week but have the following free next week.

Monday 2pm

Tuesday 4pm & 5:15

Wednesday 9:15, 10:30, 4pm & 5:15

Thurdsay 11am

Friday 9:15, 10:30 & 11:45

Start the new year off with gusto and book your massage today. See you all soon,


It’s a wrap!

2016 has officially wrapped up here at Ellis Remedial. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all and your families a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year. I will be returning to work on Thursday Jan 5th but will be contactable for bookings over the Christmas, New year period. Thank you all again for your continued support throughout 2016, see you all next year.


Christmas and New Year news

I am now officially on the count down to Christmas holidays. I don’t think I have ever looked forward to Christmas so much but this year for the first time, in what I realised is 5 years, I am having 2 weeks off! Yep 2 whole weeks. I am leaving for Victoria on Thursday the 22nd and will return to work on Wednesday the 4th of Jan. I will be contactable during this period for bookings so if you need to get in early in the new year then give me a call.

Starting on Jan 9th the building here at Ellis Remedial will be getting a face lift. We are getting the facade of the building cladded in a nice grey weatherboard to cover up the existing horrible yellow. Hey, we will look like twinnies with Zambreros! And just on that topic, I just had a burrito, for free, because there was no line up! It was delicious! That black rice stuff although it looks like mouse poo it actually tastes darn good! Could be a dangerous thing…I didn’t have to use will power when China Diner was next door…DOH!

Anyway back to massage. Once the cladding is complete I will be on the look out for another therapist to join me here in my little business. We will be adding online booking to the web page and we will continue to provide you with the best sports massage in Hobart. Later in the year, personal training will also be available with me. I look forward to making you sore and then helping you recover.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who has walked through my door this year, shared my page, sent referrals and just supported me. Without you small businesses don’t survive. I am hoping to be around for many years to come and your support means the world to me. Please everyone stay safe over the Christmas period, enjoy the time with your family and friends, enjoy the yummy food and be kind. I will see you all nice and refreshed in the new year.


Christmas gift voucher deals and December availability

I’m sure we have all received gifts before from family, friends, employers, that have gone straight into the ‘what the heck am I going to do with that’ pile? Well I have a solution for all those out there who want the brother,sister,partner,boss of the year award. Let that Christmas present be something that they really want. How many people would love a massage but simply can’t afford it? Are you a boss who has many workers who are tired and sore from a massive year? Help them relax a little with a massage this Christmas. I have put together some packs for Christmas for those looking to purchased something different this year. Share this post with your boss, your partner, family, subtle hints sometimes go a long way in getting what you actually want. The packs are as follows.

4 vouchers $300 save $20

6 vouchers $450 save $30

10 vouchers $730 save $70

10+ vouchers $70 each save $10 per voucher.

Please contact me if you would like any of the packs. Note I will be leaving the state on Dec 22 so get in before then.

The year has flown by but it’s been a ripper. Certainly no complaints from me, I have seen many wonderful faces walk through my doors over the last 12 months and my little massage family continues to grow. Some exciting things happening over the next few months too. The facade of the building is getting a much needed makeover and my 2nd room is almost ready for occupation. First things first though. I will be taking leave over this Christmas period to head back to VIC to spend the silly season with my partners family. I will be taking off on Dec 22 and not returning until Jan 4. I am taking bookings now for when I return in the new year but I thought I best let you know what I have in the coming weeks. Please contact me to book an appointment if you need to see me before I go away. My available times are as follows.

Monday Dec 5: 10:30, 1:30 & 2:45

Tuesday Dec 6: 9:15 & 10:30

Wednesday Dec 7: 10:30

Thursday Dec 8: 9:15

Friday Dec 9: 9:15, 10:30, 11:45, 1pm

Monday Dec 12: 11:45

Tuesday Dec 13: 10:30, 11:45, 3:30 & 4:45

Wednesday Dec 14: 9:15 & 10:30

Thursday Dec 15: 1:30, 2:45, 4pm & 5:15

Friday Dec 16: 9:30 & 10:45

Monday Dec 19: 9:15, 10:30, 11:45, 2pm, 3:15

Tuesday Dec 20: 4pm & 5:15

Wed Dec 21: 9:15, 10:30, 11:45 & 2:45

Make sure you are prepared for the silly season.


Ellis Remedial Therapies

Christmas is nearly here! Massage availability for Dec

Well it is now December 1!! What a scary thought. The year has flown by but it’s been a ripper. Certainly no complaints from me, I have seen many wonderful faces walk through my doors over the last 12 months and my little massage family continues to grow. Some exciting things happening over the next few months too. The facade of the building is getting a much needed makeover and my 2nd room is almost ready for occupation. First things first though. I will be taking leave over this Christmas period to head back to VIC to spend the silly season with my partners family. I will be taking off on Dec 22 and not returning until Jan 4. I am taking bookings now for when I return in the new year but I thought I best let you know what I have in the coming weeks. Please contact me to book an appointment if you need to see me before I go away. Also don’t forget my gift voucher package deals if you are looking for that perfect Christmas gift. My available times are as follows.

Monday Dec 5: 10:30, 1:30 & 2:45

Tuesday Dec 6: 9:15 & 10:30

Wednesday Dec 7: 10:30

Thursday Dec 8: 9:15

Friday Dec 9: 9:15, 10:30, 11:45, 1pm

Monday Dec 12: 11:45

Tuesday Dec 13: 10:30, 11:45, 3:30 & 4:45

Wednesday Dec 14: 9:15 & 10:30

Thursday Dec 15: 1:30, 2:45, 4pm & 5:15

Friday Dec 16: 9:30 & 10:45

Monday Dec 19: 9:15, 10:30, 11:45, 2pm, 3:15

Tuesday Dec 20: 4pm & 5:15

Wed Dec 21: 9:15, 10:30, 11:45 & 2:45

Make sure you are prepared for the silly season.


Christmas gift voucher deals

I’m sure we have all received gifts before from family, friends, employers, that have gone straight into the what the heck am I going to do with that pile? Well I have a solution for all those out there who want the brother,sister,partner,boss of the year award. Let that Christmas present be something that they really want. How many people would love a massage but simply can’t afford it? Are you a boss who has many workers who are tired and sore from a massive year? Help them relax a little with a massage this Christmas. I have put together some packs for Christmas for those looking to purchased something different this year. Share this post with your boss, your partner, family, subtle hints sometimes go a long way in getting what you actually want. The packs are as follows.

4 vouchers $300 save $20

6 vouchers $450 save $30

10 vouchers $730 save $70

10+ vouchers $70 each save $10 per voucher.

Please contact me if you would like any of the packs. Note I will be leaving the state on Dec 22 so get in before then.

Happy hinting



Price rise and cancellation policy.

As of December 1 we will be having a $5 price rise on all treatment. This is the first price rise in 18 months and it’s unfortunate yet necessary to cover the rising cost of overheads. $5, that’s just a cup of coffee, much better spent looking after your body with a massage!

Also due to the recent number of late cancellations and no shows I will be enforcing a cancellation policy from Jan 1 2017. As I mentioned in my post 2 weeks ago about not forgetting us, the costs involved in having the room warm and waiting, not to mention the blanking out of the space of that person with the expectation of seeing them but not, is something that I can not continue to wear. Therefor I will be implementing these changes in the new year. They will be as follows.

Greater than 24 hours – no fee

Within 12 hours – 25% of massage fee ($20)

Less than 12 hours and no shows – 50% of massage fee. ($40)

I have been open now for nearly 3.5 years and have very rarely charged for cancellations and no shows and it’s regrettable that I have to do so but for small businesses to work and to enable us continual growth, we must put these policies in place.

Thank you for your understanding.
