Ellis Remedial Therapies

Appointment availability this week 21/11-25/11

It’s nearing the end of the year and things are going to start to get a little crazy. I will be away from Dec 22 until the new year so make sure you get in for your massage now. Availability this week is as follows

Tuesday 9:15 & 4pm

Wed 10:30, 11:45 & 3pm

Friday 11:45

Don’t miss out call now!



P2P 2016, Done and Dusted for another year

Well what a day! Wet wet wet is not just a band it was also the weather conditions for the 23rd Point to Pinnacle which was run yesterday. Now this year I finally got off my butt and put in some good training but the thing I didn’t train for was running down hill and today, I pay. Unfortunately the P2P this year didn’t mean Point to Pinnacle it was instead Point to Point. It was unsafe on the mountain for transport, runners, walkers and volunteers so the call was made to turn the run around at Bracken lane, about 700m past the pinnacle Rd turn off. Running up is easy, well easy on the body, running down however is a lot harder on the body and 1.5km into the downhill slog I thought my right knee was going to explode! I nursed it through though and made it back down to the casino in one piece. It was awesome to see so many people brave the conditions and still turn up to take part in what I think is the best fun run in Tasmania, if you can call it fun! The spirit of competitors and those cheering us on from the footpaths in the rain is just amazing. The volunteers who stand out in the cold and rain for hours on end making sure we are hydrated and spend most the day picking up our cups that we all throw at the bin with good intention but inevitably miss almost every time! The race organizers, a huge thank you for putting on such an amazing event. To Kim and his team keep up the great work and don’t keep feeling the need to justify your decision in turning us around, you put everyone’s safety first and for that I thank you.  To my awesome team mates who wore my shirts on their backs and did their bit for the business, thank you and well done to all of you on an awesome effort. My clients who I saw out there hurting it up and my friends, you all rock. And last but not least my one and only who treated me to Savoy and put up my whinging and even let the cat in and out all night (a job usually reserved for me) because getting up off the couch every 15 minutes was just too hard. Oh and before I finish just a massive shout out to Peter Wheatley who finished his month of marathons to raise funds for his wife’s charity in Ethiopia called Water for a village. Pete caught up to me almost at the turn when I was struggling, put his arm around me and got me going again. Pete you are a great man, I hope you guys managed to hit your targets and continue to do the awesome work you do. Everyone give yourselves a big pat on the back and I’ll see you all on the mountain in 2017.


Em tackles the big one XPD world championships

Well it is here! The crazy world of XPD  adventure racing has hit the Australian shores in Shoalhaven NSW. This time around it is the world championships. A lot of you will remeber that Emma raced the XPD Australia event last year in Townsville and things did not go as planned. After 6 days of non stop racing over 600+kms her body let her down and sever sunburn, cellulitis of the calves and massive blistering saw her land in hospital in a lot of pain. Her team lost their way when the navigators overshot the last check point on the 2nd last leg and they spent 9 hours looking for it. Eventually, after 27 hours of trekking and 12 hours without food and water in the Queensland heat, they had to call time on their race. Very disappointing for all. But Emma Weitnauer is a household name here in Tassie and those who know her well know she never gives up. Determined not to let the race beat her, she is once again throwing herself into the jaws of the XPD worlds 2016. A new team, new team members and hours and hours of training behind her, she set off on Monday destined to race hard and cross the finish line with her body intact.

The XPD adventure race consists of trekking, Mt biking and kayak legs consecutive non stop 24/7 racing. There are no compulsary rest times and teams can sleep as much or as little as they like. Last year Emma had about 4 hours sleep in total over 6 days of racing, now that is hardcore! The total distances this year are 115km of trekking, 322km or Mt biking, 185km of kayaking and a fun caving leg of 5km. The kayaking is not always on ski either, I hear there is a white water rafting leg thrown in the mix. That alone would be enough to have me running straight back to the airport with my tail between my legs! All up thats 627km of racing broken up into 14 legs. it is expected that the lead teams will take around 96hours to complete the course, insane!! It will be interesting to see how good these teams are, the NZ and USA teams are very good and I think the French are pretty good too! While my support is totally behind team #29 Rapid Ascent, I wish all the Australian competitors the very best of luck during the race. Competitors from around the world, be safe, race hard and get across that finish line.

To Emma, my best mate, you my friend are an inspiration to us all. Your ability to just keep getting up and racing at this level is nothing short of amazing. You have climbed the highest of highs in your sporting career and have proven time and time again that commitment, determination and hard work will always get you to where you want to be. Stay safe out there buddy, remember the Gorilla from Townsville? Now is the time to finally get it. Race hard and smart, look after those feet and DON’T FORGET THE SUNSCREEN!!.  See you on the other side xx

For those of you who would like to keep track of the race you can dot watch here 24/7. WARNING!! Dot watching is addictive!http://live.arworldseries.com/arwc16/


em kayak slow


Ellis Remedial Therapies

Please don’t forget us. The struggle is real.

Usually I take cancellations and no shows with a grain of salt and put it down to just being part of my business. This week however after 3 cancellations and one no show, I let it get to me and I’m feeling frustrated. So on behalf of all massage therapists and small business owners, personal trainers, doctors, and anyone else who takes client bookings I have decided to sit down and let the world know how it really is for us.

Now things happen in life and sometimes we legitimately can’t make appointments that we have made. One of my cancellations gave me 3 days notice. Excellent! it gives me plenty of time to fill that spot and that doesn’t bother us at all. But when an appointment gets cancelled the night before it makes it a whole lot harder to fill and generally will go empty. In a large practice where there is generally a wait list it’s not such a  big deal, but for us little guys it all adds up. This week I lost $300 from expected income. Imagine if you lost that from your weekly wage? Most of us have mortgages to pay or at least rent just like everyone else. Then on top of that we have the rent on our premises and all the overheads that go with it. So in fact that sort of hit to us is like halving the wage of your average income earner. We all have families to support and mouths to feed, some more than others. Bills to pay, vehicles to run etc etc just general everyday living like most of our clients.

The question I ask is would you miss an appointment with a specialist that you have been waiting months to see? Would you simply forget about the appointment? My answer would be no. Think of the little guys to be just as important as that specialist. Getting your monthly massage is important. Ok it’s not life threatening, but it takes a really big thing to make me miss mine and I have one every fortnight. As I said earlier we understand that stuff happens and sometimes you really can’t get out of that important work stuff. All I’m asking is that you try to attend appointments that you make with anybody, massage therapists, Doctors, your personal trainer. Try to remember that your cancellation may not be the only cancellation for the week and the domino effect puts massive strains on small businesses like ours. I want to be here for the next 5 years keeping you at your best. I don’t want to get grumpy and frustrated with my work, I love my work too much. All small business need your help and together we can keep on keeping on.


Massage times this week 31/10-4/11

Well we were teased with one nice day over the weekend and now it looks to be returning to the average weather we have been dealt for this Spring. Never mind, come on in to Ellis Remedial and take your mind off the outside world for an hour. Hey if you really want to, come in for an hour and a half, it’s your time just tell me how long you need. This weeks time are below.

Tuesday 11:45 or 2:45

Wed 1:30 & 2:45 (mornings possible on request)

Thurs 9:15, 11:45 4pm & 5:15 very rare 5:15!!

Fri 9:15

Don’t leave it until something hurts to get a massage. Be pro active, make your appointment today and let me keep you at your best.

Appointment times this week 31/10-4/11

Well we were teased with one nice day over the weekend and now it looks to be returning to the average weather we have been dealt for this Spring. Never mind, come on in to Ellis Remedial and take your mind off the outside world for an hour. Hey if you really want to, come in for an hour and a half, it’s your time just tell me how long you need. This weeks time are below.

Tuesday 11:45 or 2:45

Wed 1:30 & 2:45 (mornings possible on request)

Thurs 9:15, 11:45 4pm & 5:15 very rare 5:15!!

Fri 9:15

Don’t leave it until something hurts to get a massage. Be pro active, make your appointment today and let me keep you at your best.

Ellis Remedial Therapies

Time availability this week 24/10-28/10

The last week of October is here. Only 2 more months until the end of the year and I take 10 days off to spend in Wodonga and work on my tan. This week a have a few spots available, they are as follows.

Tuesday 11:45 &  4pm

Wed 11:45 & 4pm

Friday 9:15, 10:30 & 11:45

Don’t miss out, make sure you book in today. Point to Pinnacle is just around the corner are you ready?

Why I discount emergency services.

In this industry it’s very rare to discount people. It’s not like we are buying something in, putting a mark up on it and then selling it to the public with enough gap to ‘discount’ to make the customer feel like they are getting a bargain. What you pay for with a massage therapist is our training and knowledge that we know what we are doing and you entrust us to help you. Same goes for the emergency services. We rely  on them for help whenever there is a crisis. Police, Ambulance and Fire, they are all on call to help you. Entering the unknown with every call not knowing if the MVA they have been called to will be one of their family members, fatalities, a friend. On the weekend my best friend who is a fire fighter was called to an incident that no one should have to deal with. Not only was she there but so was one of my clients who is a paramedic. If one of my other close friends was on nights with the police she could possibly have been there too. The incident could have been avoided only for the actions of one stupid reckless individual doing the wrong thing. Our emergency services see it all. They see things that I would never wish to see in a lifetime yet over the span of their career they see it multiple times. I can’t do much. I can’t help them unsee what they see. But, I can give a discount. I give a discount of my time. I have needed an ambulance one or twice in my life and they have never let me down. A lot of people say “but they chose that career” and that is true but sometimes you can’t pay someone enough to do what they do. So to all you emergency services personnel out there, thank you for all that you do. Your discount is worth every cent.

Busy busy busy

Things are going crazy here at Ellis remedial. It’s great to see everyone keeping on top of their health and booking in their massages in advance. This coming week is almost full. I have 4 appointments left.

Monday 10:30

Friday 9:15, 10:30 & 11:45

The following week is also starting to fill. Don’t be disappointed, make sure you book your appointments early to ensure we can get a time that works for you. Remember afternoon appointments are always the most popular and go before any others so be sure you are on the ball and getting in early. Have a great weekend 🙂


Supporting those who support me.

Being in small business is tough no matter what you trade in. Be it massage, the local corner store, the little clothes boutique, personal training, small gyms, the list goes on. One thing that makes a huge difference in business though, especially the business I am in, is the support you get from those who are in the same boat. Those who are willing to send their clients to you, who believe in what you do and how you can help them. It’s almost like a little circle of business owners leaning on each other to make sure the circle remains unbroken, that nobody falls behind and continues to see clients and customers continually walking through the doors on a daily basis. Those who support me deserve my support back. Below is a little information on one of my biggest supporters Luke Jackson who is forever sending clients my way. Time for me to return the favour and give him a shout on on here. Do yourself a favour and get in to see Luke and the Action family and see what boxing can do for you and your health.

Luke Jackson, Undefeated professional boxer and former Olympian and  owner of Action Fitness Centre https://www.facebook.com/actionfitnesscentre/. Luke and I have a great relationship and mutual respect for each others craft. I have trained under Luke for fitness boxing and now have the tools to be able to do a great boxing session at home with correct technique and pain free, something that I suffered with for a long time due to bad technique. Luke started him Gym in a small studio in Lampton Ave a few years ago. It was small! 20 clients in there doing a session and the windows would soon fog up. Last year he moved from Lampton Ave to Pear Ave where he increased the size of the gym floor dramatically. The gym now consists of a full size boxing ring, sled track, cardio and weights area and ample bags to cater for his classes and training. Luke is one of the best in the business still sitting undefeated in his professional career and looking to retain that record when he fights again on Nov 19 at Hobart’s Princess wharf 1 against WBC world super flyweight title contender Sylvester Lopez. Anyone out there wanting to learn the fundamentals of boxing or just want to get fit, get along to one of Luke’s classes and give it a go.