The end is near…

Tomorrow will be the last day I practice at the current address in Maxwell Street. It will be a sad day, I love this little place. I have worked here, I have lived here, I have made it my own. But time to move on to a different premises which is bigger and brighter and I’m sure will be just as much fun as this place was. The amazing support of my clients and followers has made my transition from employee to self employed so easy with many laughs along the way. We will continue those laughs, I will no longer have my green room of pain (my treatment room so affectionately named by my sister). Have no fear, the green will reappear, possibly just at a lower level, who knows there could be more. So tomorrow night I will pick up the truck, I will come back here, I will take away all the equipment, signs, candles etc etc and I will head on up the road for a new beginning. I can’t wait to take you all along for the ride. Even if you don’t book a massage, if you are driving past or walking, riding, running, whatever, pop your head into 59a Albert Road and say a big ole G’day!

Keep on being awesome (coz everything is awesoooome…everything is cool when you’re part of a team…) i know you all sang that!

Nik 🙂


Ellis Remedial Therapies

**Moving special**

Who wants to be my very first client in the new place on Monday? Must bring flowers and chocolate as that was what my first client got me when I first opened up. Ha don’t worry about the flowers, chocolate will give you brownie points, but you can have the 9:15 appointment for 1.5hrs for $90. That’s $1 a minute…bargain! On top of that I will do one every day of the week at that price for this coming week only. Be quick to book or you will miss out. Times for the week are below.

Monday 9:15 90min $90, 11am, 12:15, 1:30

Tues 3:30 90min $90 or 4pm for 1 hr

Wed 10:30, 11:45, 3:30 90min $90 or 4pm for 1hr

Thurs 9:45 90 min $90 or 10am for 1hr

Friday full.

Don’t miss out on these opening specials, get your skates on and pick up that phone. Look forward to keeping you at your best in my new premises. Share with your friends.

Have a great sunny day,


Last week at Maxwell Street

Well we are nearly there. Next week will be my last week here at Maxwell Street. I will miss this place as I have made it my own over the past 4 years but they say a change is as good as a holiday so onwards and upwards from here. If you want one last massage here give me a call and we will get you in. I am however only moving up the road so I will still be nice and close and have easy access to parking. I have the following available for next week.

Monday 27th 9:15 & 11:45

Tues 28th 9:15, 10:30,11:45, 4pm & 5:15

Wed 1st 9:15, 10:30,11:45, 4pm & 5:15

Thurs 2nd 10:30

Friday 3rd 12pm

Watch this space for updates on the new premises. We may even have an opening special, I’ll think about that one.

Have a great weekend,



Ellis Remedial Therapies

We are Moving in 2 weeks

It is now official that I am moving in two weeks just up the road to 59a Albert Rd. The premises will be new but the service will still be the same. There will be lots of parking available in the area and for those who love a good ice cream, Valhalla is just up the road! You will find the new location on the corner block just before you cross the train line. I am hoping to make the move 2 weekends from now and will keep you all posted on progress. In the meantime don’t forget to call and book your appointment. I only have one spot left this week on Thursday at 11:45 but the following week looks good. Keep being awesome.


Jackson back in ‘Action’

The problem with the people of Hobart is that we all leave purchasing tickets to events until the last minute and shows either get cancelled or events don’t go ahead due to poor ticket sales. That isn’t usually the case when Luke ‘Action’ Jackson sets foot in the ring though. Ticket sales are strong and fight night generates a really good crowd. However in my opinion it can always be better. I have to admit before I met the current Luke (not the Luke I went to school with) I always looked at boxing as a crazy sport where people just got into a ring and belted the crap out of each other. My opinion quickly changed when I learnt that the art of boxing is anything but. It is discipline, it is months and months of preparing before a fight. It is a lifetime of commitment, committing to training every single day no matter how shitty you might feel. It’s about giving up on the good things in life like partying with friends, eating that yummy but not so healthy food, enjoying a cold beer on a Friday night. All of that is non existent in the life of a boxer. Watching Luke in the ring is like watching perfection. His mental ability to just wait for the right time to attack, his movement, the lightness on his feet and not to mention his amazing physique. See boxing is just that, an art. Ok getting hit in the head during a fight isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world but the athleticism of these athletes amazes me. Their commitment to the sport they love is a total admiration. This year I have taken Luke on as a sponsor. I want to help keep him at his best. He’s a great guy, hes an amazing athlete and his story is just mind blowing. One day not too far into the future this man will be a world champion, that I have no doubt. My request to all of you, those who already enjoy the sport and those who are not really sure about the sport but want to support one of Hobart’s best athletes, get along to the next fight. On March 18 Luke will enter the ring once again in Hobart to take on Mohammed Kamburuta is his title defense. His current fight record is 14-0! Luke is still undefeated. Get along, get behind him and watch first hand our next world champ.

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Following up on my post last night I have the following appointments available when I return to work on the 20th.

Monday 20th 11:45 & 2:45

Tues 21st 10:30, 11:45 & 5:15

Thurs 23rd 11:45

Friday 24th 10:45

I am away but am still contactable by phone and email. It will be good to see all your happy smiley faces again.



Sometimes, life throws us a curve ball and life as we know it gets turned on it’s head. Last week I was finally settling into work, ready to knuckle down for the rest of the year and work my butt off to earn myself some more holidays at the end of the year. Then 2 things happened. Firstly I was informed that my premises would be put on the market and I would be on the move. No biggie, my business is established, I just have to move it all on up the road. That was just a small hump in the road, it was easy enough sorted. Despite this news I was still just cracking on with work and looking after you awesome people as normal. But then the spanner was thrown in, we got the news of an imminent death in the family and everything was shut down to race to VIC to be with my partners family during this hard time. It’s hard. I’m torn. While I would never be anywhere else, when you are a business owner your thoughts are never far away from what you need to do when you return. To be honest I feel like I haven’t worked at all this year! I have. A few weeks anyway. I have a sponsor heading off for training camp on Monday who I haven’t been able to see to make sure he gets through camp ok and primed for his fight. I return to Hobart on Saturday and will be back into it on Monday. I will be looking at the new premises and hopefully planning for the move. In between clients this will all happen and I will also get back into my training which has basically been on the back burner since Christmas! I guess what I ask myself a lot these days is what is more important? Does work trump family? Does family trump work? hands down family trumps work every time. Yes business is important but family is more important than anything, always. Don’t let anything get in the way of those important family milestones, Christmas events, birthdays, weddings etc etc. Yes I love my work but I love my family more. See you in a week folks.


Temporary closure

Due to a family emergency, Ellis Remedial will be closed from tomorrow until late next week possibly the week after. I will update in a few days when I know more. Sorry for any inconvenience. I am still contactable to make future appointments so please call if needed.


Ellis Remedial Therapies

Changes are coming..

Just yesterday I was advised that the building I am currently in will be put on the market in the near future so I will be moving on. No fear, I am not throwing in the towel. It is not confirmed yet but I am hoping to relocate just up the road to a location just as easy to access as this one. It will be good for my hip pocket because Zambreros won’t be next door!! I will know more details in the coming weeks so watch this space for information so you don’t end up turning up here for your massage only to find me gone. The location will be different but the service will be the same. New adventures are always exciting, come along for the ride.


This weeks appointment times

I am back for the long haul, holidays are over and time to get back to doing what I do best and that is looking after you guys. this week I have the following available.

Tues 10:45

Wed 9:15, 11:45 & 2:45

Thurs 2:15 & 3:45 (can be 4pm)

Friday 10:45 & 12pm

Make sure you book in and take care of yourself.
